Where Transformation Begins

Catalyzing individuals, teams and organizations through customized development for transformative and sustainable impact

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Who is behind Melonia?

Merete Laursen’s passion lies within understanding and applying human connect, dynamics, transformations, and business psychology.

The artform of catalyzing high trust, high thrive and high performance for higher reach and impact!


I have been privileged to hold significant roles in Global Corporate roles as Leader within Business Development, Operations, Group Functions, in Corporate People Business Partnering and within Global Leadership Development roles.  

My expertise is catalyzing the artwork of intuitive and cohesive Teamwork,  Collaboration and Transformational Leadership.

My work and focus have always been to understand and apply individual and group dynamics and servant leadership and re-generative principles in practical collaborative ways


In my approach I prioritize nurturing clarity, connect, change, commitment within and between individuals, teams, and organizations  

With over two decades of experience in business psychology I strive to engage individuals and teams in cultivating a clear, consistent and committed WHY, HOW and WHAT.

You can go fast alone but we can go furthest together

M40.668 9.398c-.1-1.176-.059-2.456.332-3.734l.177-.472.091-.235c.035-.077.075-.153.113-.229l.235-.452c.086-.146.186-.285.28-.427.184-.282.402-.557.64-.803.115-.129.243-.24.365-.36.13-.109.255-.225.39-.325a7.616 7.616 0 0 1 1.703-.999 8.665 8.665 0 0 1 1.835-.556 9.805 9.805 0 0 1 3.742.035c1.222.24 2.387.714 3.444 1.371A9.636 9.636 0 0 1 56.72 4.77c1.44 2.029 2.094 4.555 1.769 7.028-.165 1.25-.56 2.318-.841 3.288-.29.97-.479 1.845-.39 1.473.979 2.07.545.597 1.273 1.061 2.043 1.622.186 2.437-.047a5.632 5.632 0 0 0 2.678-1.72l.203-.25.196-.272c.258-.378.501-.804.748-1.256.498-.901.98-1.933 1.8-2.926a5.952 5.952 0 0 1 1.629-1.388c.65-.384 1.369-.586 2.046-.687a8.628 8.628 0 0 1 3.938.372 9.867 9.867 0 0 1 3.346 1.927 11.44 11.44 0 0 1 3.729 6.469 10.262 10.262 0 0 1 .153 2.394c-.01.161-.016.324-.041.479-.044.313-.08.628-.135.939-.235 1.244-.694 2.43-1.297 3.519a13.818 13.818 0 0 1-2.227 2.959 15.289 15.289 0 0 1-3.97 2.874c-1.461.733-3.099 1.205-4.67 1.434-1.582.245-3.124.31-4.613.413-1.487.099-2.926.23-4.276.549a14.121 14.121 0 0 0-7.032 4.152 13.582 13.582 0 0 0-2.312 3.393 6.657 6.657 0 0 0-.588 1.794 4.325 4.325 0 0 0-.06.856c. 1.476.163.589-.08 1.22-.26 1.845-.516.313-.122.624-.27.935-.42l.989-.502a70.226 70.226 0 0 0 5.755-3.333l1.893-1.24c.657-.419 1.35-.836 2.103-1.2.378-.18.77-.347 1.177-.491.407-.144.835-.264 1.262-.355 1.721-.371 3.512-.23 5.143.253 1.64.485 3.13 1.318 4.432 2.358a13.993 13.993 0 0 1 3.273 3.748c.425.716.799 1.49 1.068 1.175l.16.594c. 1.605.396 3.239.292 4.841-.221 3.21-1.131 6.28-2.392 9.144-.31.714-.666 1.456-1.131 2.191-.468.73-1.069 1.473-1.9 2.056-.414.29-.876.528-1.382.699a5.45 5.45 0 0 1-1.535.251 5.655 5.655 0 0 1-1.49-.17 6.525 6.525 0 0 1-2.582-1.301 6.746 6.746 0 0 1-1.005-1.046 7.802 7.802 0 0 1-1.244-2.454 9.841 9.841 0 0 1-.42-2.598c-.012-.428.005-.88.03-1.257l.068-1.107c.036-.698.027-1.353-.086-1.834a1.71 1.71 0 0 0-.22-.537c-.025-.026-.044-.058-.065-.087a.486.486 0 0 1-.074-.071c-.024-.026-.061-.04-.088-.064-.027-.028-.059-.04-.088-.055a.866.866 0 0 0-.41-.096 1.894 1.894 0 0 0-.614.112c-.465.156-.975.481-1.406.867-.054.05-.106.094-.162.15l-.172.175c-.117.113-.222.239-.332.358-.11.121-.21.251-.315.376l-.296.391a10.24 10.24 0 0 0-.979 1.7 9.684 9.684 0 0 0-.63 1.854c-.15.646-.219 1.246-.27 2.004-.028.37-.056.765-.104 1.178a9.35 9.35 0 0 1-.23 1.307 6.882 6.882 0 0 1-.217.7l-.153.358c-.05.118-.124.239-.187.357-.272.47-.64.931-1.092 1.281-.107.095-.227.164-.343.245a3.499 3.499 0 0 1-.361.22c-.251.132-.51.238-.77.32-.262.083-.523.141-.783.18-.267.043-.498.045-.742.06-.97.038-1.935-.157-2.794-.486a10.108 10.108 0 0 1-2.325-1.282 16.191 16.191 0 0 1-1.882-1.631c-.578-.579-1.09-1.158-1.59-1.712s-.987-1.089-1.482-1.574a14.25 14.25 0 0 0-.927-.832 8.893 8.893 0 0 0-.962-.675 6.45 6.45 0 0 0-.497-.267l-.124-.062-.116-.045c-.078-.029-.15-.068-.232-.09a4.662 4.662 0 0 0-1.005-.215 4.86 4.86 0 0 0-1.028.023 3.852 3.852 0 0 0-.923.263 2.354 2.354 0 0 0-.68.466c-.19.174-.298.39-.394.622a1.984 1.984 0 0 0-.114.776c. 1.267 1.152 1.516 1.136 2.28 1.857.19.182.378.369.561.568a8.087 8.087 0 0 1 1.42 2.127c.242.525.425 1.09.529 1.694a5.486 5.486 0 0 1 0 1.91c-.015.081-.028.163-.047.245l-.07.246-.073.244-.098.238-.102.237c-.036.078-.08.152-.122.227l-.129.224-.032.056-.03.042-.056.084a9.355 9.355 0 0 1-1.025 1.291c-.388.41-.83.794-1.329 1.122a6.62 6.62 0 0 1-1.63.78c-1.163.373-2.38.388-3.469.212-1.096-.176-2.094-.52-3.027-.92-1.864-.812-3.495-1.851-5.07-2.886l-2.314-1.547c-.76-.501-1.514-.988-2.25-1.386a8.726 8.726 0 0 0-1.06-.493 3.613 3.613 0 0 0-.45-.132c-.174-.027-.374-.07-.56-.088a6.839 6.839 0 0 0-2.267.104c-.763.155-1.544.442-2.373.78-.832.338-1.71.735-2.701 1.057-.495.16-1.014.3-1.556.398a9.506 9.506 0 0 1-1.67.142 8.845 8.845 0 0 1-1.674-.17l-.407-.088c-.134-.033-.265-.072-.398-.108l-.198-.056-.174-.054-.343-.109c-.92-.298-1.914-.648-2.89-1.24a7.351 7.351 0 0 1-1.385-1.083 6.688 6.688 0 0 1-1.085-1.434c-.592-1.045-.877-2.206-.936-3.323-.062-1.123.097-2.212.39-3.245a11.454 11.454 0 0 1 2.25-4.221c.348-.414.748-.807 1.127-1.14 1.546-1.377 3.306-2.386 5.039-3.218 1.736-.838 3.468-1.533 5.093-2.297a23.91 23.91 0 0 0 2.313-1.223 16.105 16.105 0 0 0 2.073-1.475c1.274-1.076 2.334-2.349 2.869-3.751l.172-.53c.054-.177.08-.359.123-.537.01-.045.022-.09.03-.135l.013-.136.03-.273a3.14 3.14 0 0 0 .027-.52 3.014 3.014 0 0 0-.144-.894c-.09-.248-.201-.425-.328-.54a1.024 1.024 0 0 0-.488-.246 2.027 2.027 0 0 0-.776.014c-.613.112-1.322.437-1.947.865-.08.052-.158.106-.233.164-.077.057-.15.109-.241.183l-.534.424c-.364.29-.748.595-1.162.894-.415.298-.862.594-1.367.859a6.505 6.505 0 0 1-1.705.627c-.159.03-.322.053-.484.077-.163.019-.331.023-.497.031a4.915 4.915 0 0 1-2.881-.882 5.643 5.643 0 0 1-1.344-1.353 6.286 6.286 0 0 1-.832-1.612 6.951 6.951 0 0 1-.364-1.76 6.769 6.769 0 0 1 .06-1.36c.021-.142.041-.286.074-.425.224-1.132.703-2.15 1.255-3.053 1.121-1.8 2.601-3.169 3.866-4.446.636-.642 1.232-1.273 1.735-1.923.494-.642.941-1.35 1.136-1.946a2.49 2.49 0 0 0 .145-.84 1.539 1.539 0 0 0-.169-.69c-.205-.433-.683-.866-1.3-1.163a4.544 4.544 0 0 0-.981-.35 4.04 4.04 0 0 0-.998-.115 7.442 7.442 0 0 0-1.122.125c-.385.076-.777.178-1.175.301-.798.253-1.62.59-2.483.944-.431.176-.876.356-1.334.53a17 17 0 0 1-1.45.482c-1.001.277-2.056.465-3.176.46a7.823 7.823 0 0 1-1.714-.19 6.236 6.236 0 0 1-1.701-.64c-1.097-.582-1.982-1.56-2.523-2.64-.076-.132-.125-.27-.183-.408-.055-.137-.116-.275-.163-.413L.9 26.806l-.06-.209-.045-.208-.084-.417c-.026-.14-.037-.276-.056-.414a7.944 7.944 0 0 1-.063-.821c-.04-1.088.093-2.134.324-3.142.058-.253.119-.504.194-.75.067-.25.148-.495.232-.74.078-.25.176-.466.264-.7l.273-.69c.923-2.198 2.194-4.237 3.674-6.085.177-.238.38-.454.571-.68.196-.222.385-.45.585-.667l.613-.64.307-.319.32-.305.643-.608c.215-.201.443-.387.664-.58.225-.19.441-.39.674-.57l.694-.543c1.856-1.44 3.877-2.64 5.973-3.647 1.04-.508 2.137-.969 3.316-1.312 1.175-.34 2.454-.545 3.763-.443.157.016.309.026.468. 1.12.475 1.612.803.49.328.933.714 1.312 1.153.379.438.684.938.9 1.465. 5.355 0 0 1-.194 1.514c-.245.903-.608 1.62-.95 2.28-.702 1.3-1.379 2.34-1.863 3.294-.489.948-.792 1.797-.792 2.56-. 2.691 0 0 1-.825-1.148 3.031 3.031 0 0 1-.15-.495 3.763 3.763 0 0 1-.087-.564 5.467 5.467 0 0 1 .063-1.266c.143-.885.472-1.824.888-2.804.408-.98.924-2.024 1.303-3.111.19-.541.32-1.093.333-1.573-.005-.116-.003-.233-.023-.336l-.01-.081-.021-.087-.04-.174c-.08-.229-.17-.46-.314-.68-.355-.559-.934-1.05-1.617-1.38a4.85 4.85 0 0 0-1.358-.415c-.094-.012-.183-.03-.286-.033a6.357 6.357 0 0 0-.605-.023c-.817.008-1.668.182-2.524.454-.857.276-1.722.644-2.585 1.076-3.457 1.685-6.646 3.997-9.172 6.755a24.88 24.88 0 0 0-3.67 5.25c-.119.238-.228.48-.343.72-.111.242-.234.48-.325.729-.196.493-.408.99-.555 1.468-.299.972-.488 1.981-.495 2.955-.001.485.028.965.13 1.408.095.445.231.868.443 1.076.595.805.275 1.777.294 2.758.138.492-.08.988-.2 1.48-.35.485-.15.989-.34 1.502-.544 1.025-.405 2.085-.874 3.246-1.245.58-.185 1.186-.345 1.817-.45.157-.03.316-.052.478-.069.16-.02.321-.038.485-.046a6.34 6.34 0 0 1 1.032.002 7.342 7.342 0 0 1 2.91.877c.302.164.595.356.874.578.28.218.546.471.785.758.241.282.456.603.624.953.17.347.299.723.366 0 .19.012.384-.009.568a5.79 5.79 0 0 1-.556 2.047c-.075.148-.15.3-.226.445l-.238.411c-.165.27-.338.53-.519.783-.725 1.009-1.553 1.871-2.359 2.683-.808.814-1.6 1.575-2.278 2.374-.681.798-1.266 1.64-1.642 2.517a5.632 5.632 0 0 0-.393 1.33 3.6 3.6 0 0 0 .01 1.273c.149.844.598 1.664 1.197 1.113-.087.788-.241 1.626-.836 2.478-1.516l.657-.526.346-.272c.13-.096.257-.196.39-.287a9.309 9.309 0 0 1 1.71-.95c.615-.257 1.285-.457 2.032-.514.182-.02.382-.008.572-. 1.175.427. 1.023.323.717.438 1.438.458 2.127a7.28 7.28 0 0 1-.005.515c-.012.167-.032.328-.048.492-.02.164-.032.328-.058.49l-.101.483c-.134.644-.362 1.26-.626 1.85-.537 1.182-1.301 2.21-2.152 3.108a17.355 17.355 0 0 1-2.795 2.352l-.374.255-.381.239-.383.237-.39.223c-.258.152-.522.291-.787.43-.265.143-.526.267-.788.396-1.049.51-2.097.969-3.124 1.426-2.05.91-4.025 1.832-5.676 3.069-.415.306-.802.637-1.169.982a7.452 7.452 0 0 0-.948 1.077 8.505 8.505 0 0 0-1.272 2.587 7.736 7.736 0 0 0-.29 1.54 6.066 6.066 0 0 0 .071 1.497c.09.477.248.922.466 1.321.227.394.512.742.861 1.038.701.593 1.716.997 2.875 1.355l.438.134.377.102.377.08c. 1.499-.02 1.008-.14 2.052-.55 3.205-1.04 1.15-.48 2.43-1.03 3.873-1.288a9.967 9.967 0 0 1 3.291-.05c. 1.362.57 1.944.895.58.327 1.114.67 1.637 1.013 1.657 1.098 3.204 2.223 4.794 3.201.794.488 1.594.942 2.401 1.319.807.376 1.624.678 2.417.836.794.158 1.552.166 2.222-.03.671-.189 1.279-.578 1.817-1.14a6.7 6.7 0 0 0 .75-.944c.036-.048.046-.073.063-.103l.052-.088c.038-.056.053-.125.085-.185.05-.128.085-.264.108-.41.094-.582-.066-1.32-.407-1.996-.633-1.353-2.12-2.386-3.7-3.61a20.91 20.91 0 0 1-1.194-.997c-.39-.352-.8-.77-1.149-1.216-.698-.895-1.272-1.931-1.518-3.163a5.156 5.156 0 0 1-.015-1.938c.038-.164.075-.329.12-.49.055-.16.112-.32.173-.477.074-.153.151-.306.23-.457.038-.077.083-.15.133-.219l.147-.21a4.883 4.883 0 0 1 1.483-1.332 6.22 6.22 0 0 1 1.752-.663 7.243 7.243 0 0 1 3.546.155c. 1.37.935 1.693 1.355 2.91 2.97 4.184 4.27.317.325.644.629.977.92.334.284.677.546 1.027.782.352.227.71.431 1.073.591.364.153.73.273 1.096.341.366.058.73.083 12.808 0 0 1 2.527-4.118c.18-.204.374-.389.571-.585.214-.2.433-.391.668-.566.467-.352.976-.66 1.552-.9a4.865 4.865 0 0 1 1.965-.381 3.623 3.623 0 0 1 2.106.744c. 1.245.325 1.804.025.561 0 1.086-.03 1.587-.03.497-.072.987-.087 1.412a8.01 8.01 0 0 0 .052 1.246c.1.817.334 1.597.714 2.258.384.67.884 1.176 1.534 1.522.238.127.489.225.742. 1.165-1.135.35-.492.657-1.066.944-1.683 1.167-2.503 2.015-5.166 2.318-7.861.15-1.346.16-2.699-.008-4.02l-.063-.494-.095-.488c-.033-.162-.06-.326-.098-.487l-.128-.479c-.046-.158-.077-.322-.135-.476l-.16-.468a8.007 8.007 0 0 0-.359-.903c-1.078-2.34-3.053-4.332-5.395-5.433-1.17-.547-2.433-.861-3.683-.865a7.295 7.295 0 0 0-1.842.225 8.935 8.935 0 0 0-1.774.692c-1.176.596-2.333 1.426-3.586 2.22a72.46 72.46 0 0 1-5.734 3.295l-.984.498c-.326.165-.695.336-1.053.488-.729.3-1.493.562-2.33.708-.213.03-.42.07-.643.081-.11.008-.218.02-.33.023h-.34a4.773 4.773 0 0 1-1.408-.234c-.239-.067-.468-.185-.697-.294-.11-.061-.217-.134-.325-.203l-.16-.106c-.05-.038-.098-.08-.146-.121-.401-.31-.726-.725-.976-1.163-.252-.443-.4-.92-.48-1.383a5.412 5.412 0 0 1-.064-1.355c.029-.437.098-.858.2-1.263.096-.406.223-.798.374-1.178.072-.192.157-.377.24-.564l.263-.522c.167-.352.377-.681.57-1.019 1.45-2.365 3.508-4.325 5.903-5.71a16.27 16.27 0 0 1 3.837-1.582c1.345-.37 2.701-.53 4.019-.64 1.319-.105 2.606-.154 3.856-.257 1.246-.108 2.467-.26 3.6-.59a12.581 12.581 0 0 0 5.931-3.705 10.764 10.764 0 0 0 1.878-2.934c.127-.26.208-.537.3-.81.105-.269.156-.552.225-.83.08-.277.1-.563.144-.845.02-.142.043-.284.046-.423.01-.14.02-.279.016-.42.024-2.248-.979-4.537-2.591-6.172-.806-.818-1.768-1.474-2.816-1.87a6.529 6.529 0 0 0-1.615-.39 6.052 6.052 0 0 0-1.636.042 3.785 3.785 0 0 0-.73.199 3.075 3.075 0 0 0-.63.342c-.397.279-.75.667-1.073 1.13-.653.93-1.153 2.121-1.903 3.302a8.267 8.267 0 0 1-1.39 1.683 7.9 7.9 0 0 1-1.812 1.253c-1.314.659-2.847.964-4.357.733-1.528-.238-2.899-1.033-3.903-2.154a6.176 6.176 0 0 1-1.186-1.936 5.827 5.827 0 0 1-.362-2.265c.025-.75.177-1.451.35-2.108.176-.655.38-1.271.552-1.864.17-.593.314-1.162.372-1.717a7.377 7.377 0 0 0-.014-1.7 7.735 7.735 0 0 0-1.149-3.201 7.234 7.234 0 0 0-2.437-2.35 7.853 7.853 0 0 0-3.255-1.058c-1.142-.108-2.31.046-3.339.485a5.126 5.126 0 0 0-1.39.857c-.2.178-.388.366-.547.574-.08.105-.149.22-.225.33-.036.055-.08.107-.11.166l-.09.178c-.136.23-.218.49-.316.74-.067.265-.147.526-.18.806a7.532 7.532 0 0 0-.062 1.725c.037.59.12 1.192.238 1.798.111.605.255 1.214.407 1.83l.468 1.87c.157.638.291 1.285.407 1.936.459 2.597.57 5.324-.015 7.979-.03.131-.055.265-.09.394l-.112.388-.223.772c-.064.26-.178.508-.271.76l-.294.753-.363.728-.183.363c-.058.122-.142.232-.211.35l-.44.689c-.16.22-.335.432-.504.647a9.896 9.896 0 0 1-2.468 2.161 9.11 9.11 0 0 1-3.057 1.16 8.115 8.115 0 0 1-1.647.142 4.834 4.834 0 0 1-1.715-.356 5.317 5.317 0 0 1-2.54-2.206 4.33 4.33 0 0 1-.574-1.623 3.938 3.938 0 0 1-.023-.884 3.75 3.75 0 0 1 .195-.866 4 4 0 0 1 .918-1.45 5.62 5.62 0 0 1 1.295-.971c.24-.135.438-.235.647-.343.208-.105.41-.22.614-.331.407-.225.802-.463 1.191-.707.77-.498 1.51-1.033 2.154-1.644.644-.607 1.213-1.29 1.542-2.05.337-.752.384-1.592.02-2.294-.355-.704-1.068-1.229-1.86-1.486a4.122 4.122 0 0 0-2.48-.029 3.938 3.938 0 0 0-2.029 1.446c-.128.17-.242.35-.347.535l-.344.562c-.27.346-.556.689-.936.908l-.123.081-.133.06c-.088.038-.172.08-.258.112-.18.041-.347.103-.52.105-.336.046-.648-.015-.921-.073a3.24 3.24 0 0 1-1.21-.624c-.266-.23-.42-.423-.478-.557-.062-.131-.051-.196.023-.199.076-. 5.579 0 0 1 1.023-1.48 5.155 5.155 0 0 1 2.096-1.311 5.494 5.494 0 0 1 2.47-.22 5.182 5.182 0 0 1 2.361.94c.358.263.688.585.963.965a3.982 3.982 0 0 1 .729 2.687c-.04.46-.15.894-.3 1.295-.3.805-.75 1.48-1.241 2.07a12.38 12.38 0 0 1-1.596 1.581c-1.13.937-2.34 1.699-3.577 2.381-1.076.553-1.63 1.239-1.672 1.954-.021.363.086.77.305 1.16a3.192 3.192 0 0 0 1.558 1.337c.21.08.422. 7.053 0 0 0 2.524-1.097c.764-.527 1.423-1.212 1.981-1.998l.387-.62c.032-.051.066-.102.097-.154l.081-.167.165-.334c.241-.43.395-.92.583-1.388.05-.115.085-.24.119-.364l.105-.371c.069-.248.147-.495.209-.743.114-.496.207-.999.27-1.51.251-2.044.091-4.177-.327-6.286a30.586 30.586 0 0 0-.356-1.583l-.417-1.65c-.28-1.12-.537-2.295-.663-3.54a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-.053-.084z

Leadership Team and Team Development

Elevate your team's opportunities and potential with Melonia's specialized development approach virtually and face to face. Melonia focuses on new thinking, emotional intelligence, behavioral and systematic design and application, paradox navigation, and decision-making skills essential for today's dynamic business environment.

Thought Leadership and Specialist Development

Melonia enables thought leaders and specialists to bring out the magic of their insights and innovative thinking through learning to Influence for higher business impact.

Coaching for Development and Performance for Leaders and Specialists

Be inspired and challenged by Melonia’s approach to bring out your personal and professional 10% stretch potential.

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“You have truly inspired me and supported my leadership journey and I highly appreciate that!”

Strategy Director

Corporate Company · 20k+ employees

"Despite the online conditions, it worked really well, and I can confirm its lasting impact. Among team members, there's increased awareness and constructive dialogue about both personal traits and others' characteristics. This has been especially valuable in our new team. As we welcome new members to our leadership team, I'm considering reaching out again in the fall. For now, a big THANK YOU for your impact on our team"

Senior Director

"I feel ready for the match next weekend, a thousand thanks for the help!"

National sports team player


"Thanks for a super good session – all participants left the session with reflections and new insights."

Rita Koch Petersen

AB Neo · Senior Site Manager

"We thank you very much for your positive energy and the insights you've brought to the team. It seems that the guys found it interesting 😊. Well done all around! Personally, I appreciate the good sparring and collaboration this time."


Byggefirmaet Knudsgaard

"Super inspiring and eye-opening! It's fantastic how you, as a facilitator, could shine so brightly – even online. Respect 😉 I can understand why you chose to change careers so you can help others find answers to important questions that can make life a bit easier and brighter."

Senior Manager

Corporate Company · 20k+ employees

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